The facts in the following blog, written in May, will probably shock you:
SO, although I do not profess to be any sort of economist … I did a bit of research and will report to you just the cold, hard facts!! (Information taken directly from the following sources : ‘A Marketers Guide to Discretionary Income’, Consumer Research Center and Dan Kennedy’s No BS newsletter)Continue reading Economy Is A State Of Mind
** In November 2007, retailers posted their greatest gains in 6 months.
** For the entire year of 2007, both retail and wholesale revenues of US Businesses were up vs. 2006.
** Black Friday shoppers in 2007 turned out in bigger numbers and spent MORE than in previous year.
** the number of households with discretionary income (not required for essentials) increased from 57 - million in 2002 to 73-million in 2007.
Sensationalism sells newspapers. Can you imagine what our world would be like if the media only reported positive, inspiring and loving stories? It seems to be human nature to want to stir things up, to want to read horror stories and watch horror movies thought up by mind that enjoy entertaining twisted thoughts. Most child welfare workers will confirm that the media rarely reports the good work that is done. The public only hears about the worst cases, which in my area usually number less than a dozen per year. The public is never told that the majority of cases that come into the system are nowhere near the level of heinous abuse that is shown on the evening news. As long as society is bored by sunshine and rainbows, the media will continue to report the worst of the worst because that is what the public responds to. How many jobs would be lost if we were all healthy? Doctors, pharmaceutical companies and millions of support staff would no longer be needed. We unconsciously ask for and create illness to keep the economy going.
One of the elderly patients I work with constantly talks about how all the ills of the world are caused by "those kids." Our elderly population has some very strong opinions and thoughts about the world as it was when they were young. Most also have anything but a kind, Christian attitude toward those less fortunate. As I spend more and more time with this population, it's becoming profoundly clear that their thoughts have shaped a lot of what we are dealing with today.
Can you imagine a day with no bad news and how you'd react to that? Are you willing to change your thoughts on a global level? If it's difficult, ask yourself why that's so and examine those reasons. Please give some serious thought as to whether you want your thoughts to continue to create the world that your children and grandchildren will deal with as adults.
You are the creator of your own life experience, and as the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not even by virtue of what you are saying—that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thought that you are offering.
You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought-vibration without offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.
Above is another of a series of powerful quotes from Abraham’s newest book, Money and the Law of Attraction… Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness. It will be available for worldwide delivery on August 12, 2008. Please enjoy this powerful quote and watch for more. To receive a pre-order discount, click on the link and click "add to cart."
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