Monday, June 16, 2008

Giving, The Law Of Attraction And Implied Lack

Whether you're a member of a church or a follower of the Law of Attraction, you're aware that freely and regularly giving opens the way for you to receive blessings from the Creator and the Universe. It is especially easy to give when we have received some extra blessings and want to say "thank you" by passing them on to others - but what about those times when things are tight and giving makes us nervous?

When we are hesitant about giving freely, we are not just implying lack but also confirming our belief in it. Giving our attention to lack chokes off the flow of blessings and can shut it down completely. The next time you're faced with these feelings, remember that money and material goods are simply energies that must be circulated and that by contributing to this process, these energies will also circulate back to you.

There are also times when we tend to judge whether the receiver is "deserving." I've heard many people say that they will not give to people who stand at the roadside with signs for help because it's a scam or that the person will spend the money on beer and cigarettes. Is this really any of our business? That person has been placed in our path to teach us something, and maybe their purpose is to cause us to question how "giving" we really are.

Due to a recent incident, I do feel that I must include another situation that should be considered. One of the pitfalls of the internet is that it leaves a path wide open for true scammers. Any organization or individual that refuses to be specific about where the money is going should raise your hackles and should not get your money. If it's too late, then rest assured that Karma will deal with them and will do a much better job than you can.

I've learned over the years that when making money is my focus, my business is not likely to do well - and worrying about when I'm going to make some sales or have some paying customers is not going to bring in an income. This time, I'm focusing on what I can give. This not only removes a lot of stress but also helps me maintain my resolve to feel good no matter what. Promoting others through my Fearless Friday blogs, helping a friend write her Squidoo Lens to promote her invention and adding a Freebies Page to my website are enjoyable ways to share my skills and give something back.

In addition to the Jafra Opportunity, I've also found several others that are beginning to make me money that I'd like to share. Both are free to join and benefit everyone who participates:


For specific details, visit my latest Squidoo lens: People Helping People To Make Money Online

Have a great week, and may you be blessed with more abundance than your hearts and hands can hold.

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