Our favorite celebrities usually have qualities that we'd like to have and have accomplished what we want to accomplish. Actually, I'm surprised that I don't get Tyra Banks instead. I love the story she tells about how when someone told her "no," that just made her work harder.
I'd guess that Alicia popped by because although she was a huge success early in life and was likely born with a gift, she still practiced for many years before she put it out there into the world. I've worked long and hard and have had successes and failures. I've given away a hundred times more services and goods than I've sold. I believe that my subconscious mind is ready for all of that work to finally just explode into huge success.
Alicia is a singer, and singing represents expression of emotion and/or the self. She didn't sing in the dream but I still include that as part of the symbol because I feel it's significant. The voice can also herald good news or warnings. I'm trusting that it's good news because of the tone of the dream, very relaxed. The only disturbing issue is that I was trying to fix her up with my son and she agreed, and as they were leaving on their date she let it slip that she was married but it wasn't any big deal! I'm still working on translating that one!
Which celebrities show up in your dreams? Can you connect with your subconscious desires and what they represent to you?
I'm looking foward to conecting to my subconcious desires in my dreams.
I can't remember my dreams. hmmmm
I have lots of tips for remembering dreams! Stay tuned, I'll address that in my next post. Thanks for stopping by!
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