Friday, July 25, 2008

What If It Was Always Easy?

Today's daily e-mail from The Universe prompted a bit of contemplation:

Would it be as much fun, Parthena, if you never stopped laughing? If there were never any clouds? If you were never challenged? If you were never alone? If you never heard the whole truth when it hurt? If you always knew what would happen, what to do, and where to go?

Or would you be like, "Beam me down, Bro!"

Abraham-Hicks also brings this up when referring to the Art of Allowing Both are elaborating on the concept that difficult times make us who we are. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." I agree with this to a large extent. I've survived many challenging experiences and have been able to draw upon them not only to get through present challenges but also to help others personally and professionally. My experiences with physical disability and grief have given me an understanding of what the hospice patients I work with deal with so that I am better able than someone who has never been there to empathize with them. Some of these challenges have also turned out to be "blessings in disguise" and a great deal of my writing is based on these experiences. Without them I'd have a bit less to write about, especially since I'm not a fiction writer!

I do see one pitfall - the danger of becoming jaded or indifferent. For instance, the person who consistently gives to others but does not receive the same in return when they themselves are in need may eventually isolate themselves emotionally from other people, refusing to trust and enter into friendships or relationships. A negative cycle of belief is created when one works toward changing this expectation only to have yet another hurtful experience come along that proves the original belief "right."

This leads to very deep negative beliefs that are very resistant to change even with concentrated effort and then of course, the Law of Attraction would continue to bring this type of person into our lives. I'm at a loss to determine what, other than a strong series of unfailingly positive relationships coming into a person's life, could serve to correct this.

For some people, a crippling emotional disability called attachment disorder develops. Repetitive patterns of abuse and abandonment result in the inability to become close to anyone. Often, a person with attachment disorder develops a pattern of leaving the relationship or, more seriously, hurting the other person before they have a chance to hurt them. Frequently, there is an intuitive feeling that may or may not be based in truth that prompts the behavior. Those living with attachment disorder often come to accept loneliness as a necessary part of life but can also develop a strong sense of independence.

Just something to think about today in your dealings with others. Life is full of enough tragedies and challenges without human unkindness, cruelty and selfishness. The Prayer of St. Francis is a good guideline for all of us to live by:

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Money And The Law Of Attraction

"I Can Set My Own Standards for Financial Well-Being. . .

Once you are able to achieve and consistently maintain your personal alignment, a great deal of money will flow into your experience (if that is your desire).

Do not let others set the standards about how much money you should have—or about what you should do with it—for you are the only one who could ever accurately define that. Come into alignment with who-you-really-are, and allow the things that life has helped you to know that you want to flow into your experience."

From: Money and the Law of Attraction - Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

I'm looking forward to this new book by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "Abraham" has graced us with much of his profound wisdom on the law of attraction, the law of allowing and the power of deliberate intent. I can't wait to hear what new insights will be shared.

I've been listening to The Secret in thecar regularly for about the past month now. One of the phrases that really stands out is that it's just as easy to manifest a million dollars asit is to manifest just one dollar. It is the concept of our minds seeing one as so much larger than the other that trips us up. Our belief system is locked into seeing a million dollars as a huge amount and a dollar as nothing, especially these days.

Another area that this gets into is our perception of how much we really want or need to have in order to live comfortably. Some want millions to spend on toys and cruises and homes and cars. Others, like myself, just want more than enough to pay the bills, keep things in good repair and most of all, to be free of worry about money.

Yet, we don't have to have money to be free of worry about it. I've been investing my energy into working with this lately. My mind knows that there is a constant flow of money and that I've always been provided for - but it insists on trying to dwell upon difficult financial times. The economy is its partner in crime although I have sharply curtailed my intake of the news. When it comes to exactly how much money would bring me up to that worry free vibration, I really can't put a dollar amount on it. The teachers and gurus say that we must be specific, but I find that very difficult. I've never had a ton of money so I honestly don't know. I simply visualize huge piles of cash that are never depleted.

These days, the majority of us are complaining that gas and groceries are going up and our paychecks are not. Despite whopping increases in what we must spend to cover the basics, we're not only getting by but the statistics also show that our spending on retail shopping has actually increased - Economy Is A State Of Mind

So many people talk about wanting to leave the rat race and work at home, yet never take steps in that direction. We're afraid of what would happen if we didn't have that paycheck - myself included. With today's gas prices, how much would we really lose? My commuting expense is about 35 percent of my take home pay now. If I were able to work at home, I'd have at least that much money in my pocket. I'd also gain by not having to own so much professional clothing, buying cold drinks from the convenience store and the car would even need fewer oil changes per year.

Your assignment is to figure out how much you need to flow into your experience so that you can achieve your dream, if that dream is working from home. Due Monday.

Join iEmporium in July And Receive An Entry Into The Drawing For A FREE FULL PAGE FEATURE In The Catalog!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Backpack Injuries

I've been so busy! and have neglected this poor little blog. I wanted to share this important post from my other blog, Dreams, Visions and Reality

The Attack of the Killer Backpack!

This blog is on my to-do list but keeps getting bumped down by life getting in the way. Hope to be back soon!

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Very Special Fundraiser

A wonderful friend of mine has a great invention and needs to raise money for product protocols. Go here to enter the raffle with great prizes and a chance to save big on beautiful jewelry:

Support The Potty Watch And Win!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Harmonic Wealth - The Movie - Free Showing Sunday

I had no idea who James Arthur Ray was until I saw the movie "The Secret." I enjoyed his lesson in the "Masters of the Secret" course and have subscribed to his newsletter for a year or so now. I received an e-mail today announcing a showing of his new "movie," Harmonic Wealth. This is a marketing tool to sell his new book and related materials, I'm sure, but there's also a chance that it might be good so I'm passing it along:

There's still time for you to grab a seat at a viewing location near you to see the movie everyone's been talking about... On the big screen!

This is a fun opportunity to watch this life-changing movie alongside plenty of like-minded individuals and even check out some cool door prizes and exclusive discounts yours for the taking...Join the crowd and get to the movies!

And if there's not a viewing near you, I still want you to take part... That's why I'm offering time-limited access to watch the movie online for free!

Simply click here between 12:00-16:00 UTC/GMT time (that's 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern) to gain instant access. If you need help converting UTC time into your local time, click here.

Remember, you have to "check out" your free online viewing within that 4-hour window, so set your alarm. Once you do, you'll have 24-hour access to the movie.

To your continued wealth and happiness,

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International

P.S. Interested in spreading the message of Harmonic Wealth in your community? Why not join the movement and host a screening in your area? Simply let us know that you'd like to be a Film Facilitator.

Sculpting Your Best Life

Friday, June 20, 2008

Vibrational Consequences

Lately I've been giving a lot of thought to how what society believes creates societal structure and the economy. The media reports that gas will reach $6.00 per gallon by the end of the year. People accept this as fact and talk about it all the time. It's likely that the majority of the country is saying, every single day, "Gas is going to be $6.00 per gallon by the end of the summer." There isn't a clearer example of the law of attraction in action, especially when gas prices continue to climb and will likely reach $6.00 per gallon - for no other reason than the Universe being directed to create it because that's exactly what it's being told.

The facts in the following blog, written in May, will probably shock you:

SO, although I do not profess to be any sort of economist … I did a bit of research and will report to you just the cold, hard facts!! (Information taken directly from the following sources : ‘A Marketers Guide to Discretionary Income’, Consumer Research Center and Dan Kennedy’s No BS newsletter)
** In November 2007, retailers posted their greatest gains in 6 months.
** For the entire year of 2007, both retail and wholesale revenues of US Businesses were up vs. 2006.
** Black Friday shoppers in 2007 turned out in bigger numbers and spent MORE than in previous year.
** the number of households with discretionary income (not required for essentials) increased from 57 - million in 2002 to 73-million in 2007.
Continue reading Economy Is A State Of Mind

Sensationalism sells newspapers. Can you imagine what our world would be like if the media only reported positive, inspiring and loving stories? It seems to be human nature to want to stir things up, to want to read horror stories and watch horror movies thought up by mind that enjoy entertaining twisted thoughts. Most child welfare workers will confirm that the media rarely reports the good work that is done. The public only hears about the worst cases, which in my area usually number less than a dozen per year. The public is never told that the majority of cases that come into the system are nowhere near the level of heinous abuse that is shown on the evening news. As long as society is bored by sunshine and rainbows, the media will continue to report the worst of the worst because that is what the public responds to. How many jobs would be lost if we were all healthy? Doctors, pharmaceutical companies and millions of support staff would no longer be needed. We unconsciously ask for and create illness to keep the economy going.

One of the elderly patients I work with constantly talks about how all the ills of the world are caused by "those kids." Our elderly population has some very strong opinions and thoughts about the world as it was when they were young. Most also have anything but a kind, Christian attitude toward those less fortunate. As I spend more and more time with this population, it's becoming profoundly clear that their thoughts have shaped a lot of what we are dealing with today.

Can you imagine a day with no bad news and how you'd react to that? Are you willing to change your thoughts on a global level? If it's difficult, ask yourself why that's so and examine those reasons. Please give some serious thought as to whether you want your thoughts to continue to create the world that your children and grandchildren will deal with as adults.

You are the creator of your own life experience, and as the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not even by virtue of what you are saying—that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thought that you are offering.

You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought-vibration without offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.

Above is another of a series of powerful quotes from Abraham’s newest book, Money and the Law of Attraction… Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness. It will be available for worldwide delivery on August 12, 2008. Please enjoy this powerful quote and watch for more. To receive a pre-order discount, click on the link and click "add to cart."

Monday, June 16, 2008

Giving, The Law Of Attraction And Implied Lack

Whether you're a member of a church or a follower of the Law of Attraction, you're aware that freely and regularly giving opens the way for you to receive blessings from the Creator and the Universe. It is especially easy to give when we have received some extra blessings and want to say "thank you" by passing them on to others - but what about those times when things are tight and giving makes us nervous?

When we are hesitant about giving freely, we are not just implying lack but also confirming our belief in it. Giving our attention to lack chokes off the flow of blessings and can shut it down completely. The next time you're faced with these feelings, remember that money and material goods are simply energies that must be circulated and that by contributing to this process, these energies will also circulate back to you.

There are also times when we tend to judge whether the receiver is "deserving." I've heard many people say that they will not give to people who stand at the roadside with signs for help because it's a scam or that the person will spend the money on beer and cigarettes. Is this really any of our business? That person has been placed in our path to teach us something, and maybe their purpose is to cause us to question how "giving" we really are.

Due to a recent incident, I do feel that I must include another situation that should be considered. One of the pitfalls of the internet is that it leaves a path wide open for true scammers. Any organization or individual that refuses to be specific about where the money is going should raise your hackles and should not get your money. If it's too late, then rest assured that Karma will deal with them and will do a much better job than you can.

I've learned over the years that when making money is my focus, my business is not likely to do well - and worrying about when I'm going to make some sales or have some paying customers is not going to bring in an income. This time, I'm focusing on what I can give. This not only removes a lot of stress but also helps me maintain my resolve to feel good no matter what. Promoting others through my Fearless Friday blogs, helping a friend write her Squidoo Lens to promote her invention and adding a Freebies Page to my website are enjoyable ways to share my skills and give something back.

In addition to the Jafra Opportunity, I've also found several others that are beginning to make me money that I'd like to share. Both are free to join and benefit everyone who participates:


For specific details, visit my latest Squidoo lens: People Helping People To Make Money Online

Have a great week, and may you be blessed with more abundance than your hearts and hands can hold.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gloom And Doom - Ethics In Astrology & Tarot

There are some excellent astrological sites out there that offer accurate information on planetary activity. Their intent is to let us know the energies that are typically produced by what's going on so that we might make our plans accordingly. I don't plan my life around the energies of the planets but I am interested in them because they're often a valid explanation for how certain periods of time progress. For instance, the dreaded Mercury retrograde more often than not affects mechanical devices and communication. People tend to misunderstand each other more frequently and more seriously than usual and it probably isn't a good time to sign contracts. If the car doesn't break down, it's likely to have a flat tire or there's a major traffic tie-up, the kind that forces you to change direction. These seem to be outer symptoms of what's going on inside as well. We may need to regroup, heal or change direction.

I've signed up for "free" astrological readings more than I care to admit and most seem likely to have come straight out of a book or some software program. A series of e-mails follows, attempting to persuade us to buy a reading. That's all fine and good - I understand that they're only trying to make some money. The line is crossed when the person offers magical talismans, jewelry and other types of voodoo and mojo and begins to make ominous threats. It starts with subtle suggestions that disaster will befall us if we don't buy the reading or chart. Or, we're told that we are going to miss out on a huge sum of money or another "once in a lifetime opportunity." The threats get a bit stronger with each e-mail:

"Your actual situation can’t last like that, dear Parthena...

We absolutely have to act, and act NOW!"

What makes me sad and angry at the same time is that there are people who fall for this, too many people. While it may be their choice and a matter of free will to do so, it still doesn't sit well with me that anyone would prey upon them to make money. Those who want a genuine astrological or tarot reading should be aware that an authentic reader would not operate that way. Yet there are some who associate a dark, bossy gypsy woman with the mystical quality of it all and actually seek out this type of reader.

In my first post when I opened this blog, I explained how I feel about readings and the type of reader that I am:

Welcome to The Other Side

I prefer not to read for someone who wants to be told their "future" and what to do. I don't agree with the way that some of my own friends read. While I see readings as a form of personal and spiritual guidance, I strongly feel that allowing someone to believe that I have all the answers is taking advantage of them. I am just a helper and the answers are within them. This is not what the majority of people who seek readings want and I have fewer clients, but I have the peace that comes from honesty.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dreams - Communicating With Loved Ones And Premonitions

Last night's surprise ending of the first episode of the second season of Lifetime Television's series Army Wives was unfair and sad to most viewers. I'm always fascinated with dreams in television and movies and inspired to interpret or analyze.

The first season ended with a cliffhanger when Marilyn's abusive husband came into the bar on post with the intention of killing her for having an affair. He succeeded and also injured or killed a number of innocent bystanders.

There are five women involved in the story and the show followed its usual pattern of mini-stories. One of the characters, Claudia Joy and her daughter Amanda were seriously injured. Their story depicted them as cut and bruised but going on with their lives with Claudia seeing Amanda off to a prestigious college. They talk about their relationship, arguments they've had and mistakes they've made. The final act shows Amanda admitting to her mother that she is afraid to be on her own and then suddenly telling her that she knows she's going to be all right. The cuts on Amanda's face have completely healed and it's not until that point that we know something's up. At that moment, there is a flashback to the hospital, where Amanda is has returned to her injured state and the team is fighting to save her life. There is that awful sound of the falt monitor, and Claudia wakes up in her hospital beds. She looks at her husband and says that she knows that Amanda's gone.

Whether you call it a premonition or just mother's intuition, this type of incident is widely reported. Mothers know when something is wrong with their children whether they are asleep or awake. The strong mother-daughter connection and love that Claudia and Amanda had for each other enabled them to have closure although both were unconscious and in separate hospital rooms.

Many people report dreaming of friends or relatives that they haven't recently been in touch with to find out soon after that there is good or bad news. My mother rarely shows up in my dreams. A few years ago, I dreamed that she came to my house with my sister waiting in the car, simply knocked and left. I found out a few days later that my sister had just filed for divorce and things were turning ugly. I dreamed of an aunt I hadn't seen in years. The following day there was news that she had died in a car crash.

Carl G. Jung coined the term "collective unconscious" and defined it as the collective memories of all of our ancestors. The collective unconscious is drawn upon for the traditional meanings of the dream symbols. If the collective unconscious holds all of these memories and history, could it not also help to connect individuals through their dreams on a broader level? It might follow that individuals with shared memories and experiences could communicate through dreams, especially in times of crisis. There have also been reports of people "sharing" the same dream at the same time and some who claim to be able to do this intentionally.

The main problem with predictive dreams is that they can not be proven as a prediction until the actual event occurs in waking life. The event might occur within 24 hours or it might happen more than six months after the dream. These dreams often come to the dreamer unexpectedly and with no apparent provocation. It makes no sense to obsessively worry that these dreams are going to come true and cause unnecessary stress. None of the dreams I mentioned above depicted anyone being killed or going through a divorce. In fact, more frightening dream symbols actually have positive meanings when interpreted. For instance, death often signals change and rebirth.

If you're not yet keeping a dream journal, pick up this helpful guide from my website:

Thanks for reading, and may only the sweetest dreams come true!

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Father's Day Gifts

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ex-Husband, Ex-Lover - Dream Symbols

Here he/she comes again - it's been over for years yet they keep popping up in your dreams! What's up with that, you ask?

Well, this really has a lot to do with a "dream." Whether the relationship was good or bad, this person represents your dream of what you had hoped the relationship to be. Perhaps you ended the relationship and now regret it, or they ended the relationship and you've never quite gotten over it. Your dream likely reflects those feelings, especially if in waking life you have been longing for what once was. If the relationship turned out to be a nightmare, then your ex's cameo could be reminding you not to repeat past mistakes.

It's not uncommon to dream of a former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or lover when you're about to enter into a new relationship. This leaves the dreamer confused and sometimes feeling "guilty." Remember that people, events and things in dreams are not always exactly who or what they appear to be - this is why Freud and Jung called them "symbols." The old flame's presence in your dream symbolizes your feelings about relationships in your waking life now. Your dream might be a reminder to evaluate your expectations or a confirming that any warning signs you may have picked up on are worth taking a look at.

Dreams often don't spell the message out for us. They're subconscious and the Divine's way of making us go within and reflect upon issues we need to deal with and what we've learned from past experiences. So, document your dream, take a look at where you are in relation to the issue and check back with your journal in a few weeks or months to review so that you can move on to the next chapter with a fresh perspective.

Have a great week, and may all the good dreams come true!

Parthena Recommends: Night Wings - A Soulful Dreaming And Writing Practice

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tongue Strips For Sleep?

I ran across this interesting product and wanted to share. Those who know me are aware that I've had several types of sleep problems, including insomnia. I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder, sleep apnea last year. The CPAP machine that I was prescribed was not effective so I'm back at square one. I'm always looking for ways to get a natural, deep and restful sleep. Poor sleep quality affects energy levels, physical responses and reflexes, focus, work performance and even sex drive and performance. Sleep deprivation can reach dangerous levels over time, causing the affected person to be more likely to have accidents or behavior problems. I was literally falling asleep behind the wheel of the car despite having slept an adequate number of hours. The quality of my sleep was so poor that I felt as though I had not slept at all.

EZDOSE is impressive because it's not even a pill - it's a tongue strip that also has an added bonus - it can even freshen your breath! The company is so confident that the product will work that they offer a guarantee and a free 7 day trial.

From the EZDOSE website:


Here's How it works: Simply place the EZDOZE strip on your tongue 15
minutes before you want to fall asleep. Within minutes, you will
begin to feel sleepy. This product is available without a prescription.
People all over the world are using this delivery system, whether to
achieve fresh breath or to enjoy a great night's sleep.

"EZDOSE is so much better than the other sleep products I've tried.
It is a much cleaner revitalizing sleep. I'm sleeping through the night
for the first time in years!
- Michelle J."

Take it from me - when we sleep better, we look and feel better.

Click here for your RISK FREE 7 NIGHT TRIAL!

My you have only the sweetest dreams, and may they all come true!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Making Dreams Come True With Jafra

My blogs don't normally cross over, but I did want to share this week's Fearless Friday interview:

Carla shares how her 27 year career with Jafra Cosmetics International has not only made her dreams come true as a successful entrepreneur but even helped her manifest her dream as an author!

Carla was so happy with the interview that she has approved a special weekend offer! Order from the website before midnight on Sunday, June 8th (11:59 p.m.) and receive FREE SHIPPING! Go to the "What's New" tab to see current specials, including $6.00 off on our Family Care Bath and Shower Gel and Lotion. At $20 for the set, this is the perfect way to try Jafra! There are many other products under $20 - try our sun care line and sample a few of our color cosmetics.

I'm still working toward my Consultant class, so Carla is letting me borrow her website. Simply note "This order is for Parthena" in the Comments section when you submit your order:

Have fun shopping! Jafra has a great opportunity for women in all walks of life. It's a "second job" that fits in beautifully with any kind of work, especially for stay at home moms, and is a job that doesn't feel like work at all! If you'd like to know more, contact me and we'll talk!

Have a great weekend!

Check out my new sponsor:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"I Never Remember My Dreams"

When discussing dreams, the most common complaint I hear is, "I don't remember my dreams." According to experts, everyone dreams, but that's not entirely true. Certain medications and physical and mental conditions can cause people to lose the ability to dream.

If that's not the problem, then this is quite easy to fix! A lot of people don't remember their dreams simply because they're too busy. The first and most important thing to do is to take some action in the physical world to show your subconscious that you intend to remember your dreams. Often, just thinking about it won't do. You have to do something physical. One method that works well is to designate a notebook as your dream journal and keep it by the bed. Before you go to sleep, write down either what you'd like to dream about; i.e., a problem you'd like to solve, etc., or simply the statement, "I will dream and I will remember my dream."

Something that works even better is to get a deck of dream cards and start playing with them, even if you don't have a dream to interpret. This is more involved and makes an even clearer impression on your subconscious. You'll be surprised at how it responds.

My favorite dream card system is Strephon Kaplan-Williams' Dream Cards These are very, very in-depth and I will caution you that many of the images in the beautiful artwork contain nudity, and one or two are pretty graphic, so if this makes you uncomfortable then I wouldn't choose them. In addition to a 52 card deck of large cards with beautiful artwork depicting dream images, the set contains another deck with archetypes of the symbols and tasks for the dreamer to focus on.

Although I haven't read much of him myself and was not overly impressed with his dream dictionary, Leon Nacson has a good reputation and his card deck might do. For a good, basic dream dictionary, I highly recommend Craig Hamilton-Parker's The Hidden Meaning Of Dreams. Don't the the fluffy cover fool you. The artwork is beautiful, and his definitions are short and concise and point to applying the meaning of the symbol to your life.

The second most important thing is to learn not to jump up out of bed right away. Get into the habit of lying there for five or ten minutes to think about your dream and then to write it down in your journal. If you're afraid that you'll go back to sleep and be late for work, then sit up, but don't get up and go get your coffee just yet. Sometimes just thinking about it doesn't work as a method of remembering - if you don't write it down you may still forget later in the day. There is just a little window of opportunity there and if you don't catch it, your dream will fly right out that window. It's also believed that we are more likely to remember our dreams right after our REM cycle of sleep. For most people, this occurs around the sixth hour. If this is when you wake up, then you're right there in prime time. If you don't wake up until one or two hours after the REM cycle, it may be harder to remember your dream, but not impossible. Even if you don't remember your dream, write in your journal that you didn't remember your dream. This again puts in an order with your subconcious to cooperate.

There are times when we do remember our dreams later in the day although experts deny that it's likely. Those of us who have experienced it can attest to the fact that it does happen, albeit not frequently.

That's it for today. This little blog was getting lonely and I wanted to give it some TLC. I hope that's helpful, and don't forget to pick up your free dream interpretation guide and journal sheet from my website.


Have a great day, and may all your dreams come true!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Dream Symbols - Celebrities

The other night I was honored to have Miss Alicia Keys appear in my dream - for the second time in a few years. Stevie Nicks hasn't visited in a while........

Our favorite celebrities usually have qualities that we'd like to have and have accomplished what we want to accomplish. Actually, I'm surprised that I don't get Tyra Banks instead. I love the story she tells about how when someone told her "no," that just made her work harder.

I'd guess that Alicia popped by because although she was a huge success early in life and was likely born with a gift, she still practiced for many years before she put it out there into the world. I've worked long and hard and have had successes and failures. I've given away a hundred times more services and goods than I've sold. I believe that my subconscious mind is ready for all of that work to finally just explode into huge success.

Alicia is a singer, and singing represents expression of emotion and/or the self. She didn't sing in the dream but I still include that as part of the symbol because I feel it's significant. The voice can also herald good news or warnings. I'm trusting that it's good news because of the tone of the dream, very relaxed. The only disturbing issue is that I was trying to fix her up with my son and she agreed, and as they were leaving on their date she let it slip that she was married but it wasn't any big deal! I'm still working on translating that one!

Which celebrities show up in your dreams? Can you connect with your subconscious desires and what they represent to you?

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Moving Meditation - Bellydance

About three years ago, I attended a metaphysical fair where one of the topics of the free lectures was bellydance. I was fascinated by the presenter balancing a sword on her head but more so by the obvious glow about her - she was obviously having a wonderful time. I ended up signing up to take classes at her studio despite the fact that I am partially paralyzed from two botched back surgeries. There is permanent nerve damage on my entire left side that affects my coordination and movement. I no longer have any discs in my entire spine and the affected area is very stiff and permanently maligned. She assured me that the dance was good for the spine.

It took a little while before I felt comfortable, approximately three months of regular practice before my body started to loosen up. Undulations, rib cage circles and lifts, hip circles and other basic moves have become part of my daily routine to relieve pain after sleeping, driving and sitting. I spent my 51st birthday performing with the troupe, a wonderful way to celebrate the second half of my life.

Gaining control of the physical is a wonderful means of meditation. When I dance, I offer gratitude to the Divine that I am able to dance despite my physical limitations. Bellydance has been used since ancient times as a means of healing and a childbirth ritual. Contrary to popular belief, the intention of the dance is not to perform for men. Women dance for each other, and the experience of expressing joy and sisterhood by dancing with a group of women, especially your friends, can not be described in words.

In my area, bellydance as an art and means of fitness is growing rapidly. There are at least five schools in Tulsa. There are still many areas where it is difficult to get to a class due to distance. I've hand-picked a selection of DVD's and music for those who are willing to teach themselves:

Belly Dance Top Picks

I've also found a great site for dance apparel needs, - one of the top dancewear retail companies on the Internet! All About Dance also serves cheerleading and gymnastic needs, and many of the items are suitable for street and clubwear. The site also offers several fundrasing methods for your group.

All About Dance

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Announcing Bitten By Books - Book Reviews And More

I do believe that The Other Side is a good place for this topic. A dear friend of mine, Rachel Smith of has launched her new site and I wanted to share in her excitement. Bitten By Books is a new paranormal book review site where you'll find author interviews, special events announcements, contests, author blogs and more. The vampire theme of the site design fits perfectly with the site title and the site is easy to navigate.

If you're an author in the paranormal genre and would like the team to review your work, contact Bitten By Books through the links on the site.

Please join me in wishing Rachel and her team success in their new venture!

Don't Forget!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dreams In Music

I was reminded this morning of the many songs that have incorporated the magic of dreams into their music and lyrics. Here's an article that has kept in the archives with my permission on this dream reader's interpretation of the Dave Matthews Band's song and video:


Aisling Ireland is actually the second successor to my post and has been doing a wonderful job for about a year now, I think. You have my full permission to support her!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome To The Other Side - Of Me

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

I was considering moving my blog, Dreams, Visions and Reality, to Blogger because Wordpress doesn't allow me to add some affiliate links. In the process of setting it up, I chose instead to use this blog to express my thoughts and offer my expertise in the area of dream interpretation and divination. I've just returned to my business after a long series of health issues and my focus is currently on my art, jewelry and Jafra business. I will be offering readings from the Motherpeace Round Tarot deck in the near future.

I am an intuitive reader and have a strong ethical opposition to using my gifts as a method of "fortune telling." If you are looking for someone who is going to tell you what's going to happen or what to do, then I'm not the reader for you. The Goddess helps those who help themselves and we must all take ownership of our lives. It sounds harsh, but I must emphasize that "this is not the psychic friends' network."

The answers are within you, and you will find them with my help and through your connection with your spiritual source. I am just your helper and a medium that the Divine uses to help you go within to find those answers. My readings are based on my connection with my spiritual guides and your energies. I am a professional master's level social worker and possess the education, experience and skills necessary to assist and support you.

In the meantime, I'll be providing information on dream symbolism and aspects of divination. Please go to my website to pick up your free gift:

A Quick And Dirty Guide To Dream Interpretation

Coming Soon - A Quick And Dirty Guide To Reading The Tarot.....

