Today I'm in absolute awe. The Universe is a little slow sometimes - and I do take responsibility for my part in its dragging its heels - but it seems that things are finally happening. After years of writing with no hope of making a living at it materializing, I accepted some time ago that if I couldn't get paid for my writing, I needed to write anyway - for myself, for others to enjoy, to contribute to the world and to help people. The feedback I've received indicates that I am achieving those things.
Yet the Universe does work in mysterious ways. I wanted to do something nice for a very dear friend that I met in the course of my work. Upon my suggestion that the local newspaper do a story on this woman who has contributed so much to the community and may not be among us for much longer, I was invited to write the article myself. It was published today, and the paper has offered me a paid assignment. I am beyond thrilled and excited.
My life has been a strange journey. I didn't get a chance to go to college until I was in my thirties, and at the time I thought that social work was right up my alley. Even though I achieved my 4.0 GPA almost entirely on my writing ability (I'm a lousy test taker but I can dance around any topic in an essay and get you to believe me), it never occurred to me that I could have chosen writing as a career. Well, there were lots of careers that didn't occur to me coming from the lower working class. Going to work as a secretary in an office was a few steps higher than any of my family had achieved.
I recently realized just what my problem has been these past few years. So many things that I never dreamed of doing opened up, and I developed more interests and areas of expertise than I could deal with. I want so much to do it all but it really is impossible, even if I could stay at home and work at writing, designing jewelry, teaching bellydance and yoga, sculpting and giving spiritual counseling by way of tarot and dream interpretation. I always wanted to be like the aunts in Practical Magic, living in a big house on the water and being a wise old witch with the money coming apparently from magic because they certainly don't have jobs. And I need to have a job as well, because without one I don't interact with people and the isolation isn't good. And I love my little work family. Again, the Universe brought me into the fold of an amazing group of people that I can truly and genuinely love.
My health issues, especially the fatigue from fibromyalgia and the new stomach issues, suggest that I have a job where I can get up and work for a while, take a nap, go back to work, take a nap, work some more..... But the rest of society doesn't work that way and can't accommodate me. Yet the Universe seems to be hearing me and things are getting closer to that situation.
So, today I am very, very grateful and in awe of life and the beautiful, golden moon that shines tonight. "Hail to thee, O Jewel of the Night." And Hail to all of the amazing human beings who have not only put up with me, but have helped me along with way. My heart wants so much to pay you back and my goal is to pay it forward.
Be well and be blessed,

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