Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Flower Essences For Gratitude And Abundance

I became familiar with flower essences about ten years ago through my chiropractor. He recommended Rescue Remedy to help with stress, chronic pain and depression. It seemed to help and I still use it from time to time. I've even used it with my animals. One of the strays I cared for showed up on the porch in terrible shape from a fight. I put a few drops on her food and she was completely well the following day.

Vibration Magazine has been online for a few years and now post in blog form. It's free and you can join their Yahoo group to be notified of new articles. This one is particularly timely for me: Essences for Gratitude/Abundance.

Recently an abundance of blessings and kindnesses have been showered upon me and I don't feel that I deserve most of them. I'm still in a state of numbness and shock and a lot of things aren't quite worked out just yet. Every time a negative thought filters in, I have to remind myself of how grateful I am.

Enoy, and I'd love to hear your experiences with flower essences, aromatherapy or other natural healing methods.

Vibration Magazine Blog


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