Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Parthena Unplugged

When I first read this article - Silence - Unplugging for 19 Days, the first thought that went through my mind was "I'm not sure I could do that." I quickly realized that I have done just that - many times. My unplugged times are not typically planned or scheduled. They just happen.

I love the internet, whether I'm surfing, shopping, playing, reading or interacting with interesting people. I love working on the web as well. The problem is that it is such a time-sucker, literally slurping up minutes and hours like the Grinch slurping up a cup of soup in 0.2 seconds flat. The time is gone, and I'm late for everything else - and sometimes it doesn't get done at all.

My unplugged times come along when I'm just tired. It usually just takes one night of deciding that I'm too tired to get online and going to bed early. I may stay away for two days or two months. Does the fact that I can do this make me any less addicted? Nope. I still have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Does it do me good? Absolutely. It helps me to realize that I do have control. Unplugging has yet to help remove or reduce the biggest obstacle I dealth with though - and that's balancing everything that I want and need to do. For instance, right now I really, really want to make some jewelry. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head and I need to act on them before I lose them. But I have a job, I'm writing part time for the local paper and I want to keep my blogs going. Dreams, Visions and Reality finally has some clear direction and steady visitors. I've realized that I don't have to blog every single day, and that's a good thing. But I still feel very overwhelmed by all that needs to be done if the desires of my heart are to become my living, and I think that's part of what happens when I unplug and disappear for a while.

Technology has given us the wonderful ability to work any time, anywhere, but when it gets out of control it can be harmful. Some people become far too bonded with their laptops and cell phones to the point where they are always working. They're not only missing out on quality time with their families but also depriving themselves of their own rest and relaxation. This is a significant factor in the widespread and increasing use of antidepressant medication, in my opinion.

Working with the elderly has really opened my eyes to many things. When asked if they have any regrets about their lives, most elderly people reply that they don't regret things they've done. They regret the things that they didn't do because they were too busy working and saving. The real kick in the pants is that those savings are now paying for a nursing home and the kids' inheritance is not as much as they'd planned - or gone altogether.

Could you unplug for one day a week? How about a whole weekend? Or a whole weekend once per month? Or nearly three weeks like the author? (Who, btw, also has OCD....)

Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now--until it gets better right now!

--- Abraham

Author Therese Borchard says that "downtime is critical for recovery. Critical." Recovery doesn't just refer to recovery from an addiction or trauma. We need to recover from life in general, especially as fast-paced as it is these days, even if we love it. Lack of rest, especially quality sleep, are now being linked to weight gain, mental health and emotional issues and impaired functioning. I'm sure that you've heard many times that you can't take care of anyone or anything else unless you take care of yourself first. You may have even taken this to heart, but have you ever practiced it?

Me? Since I turned 50, I have made more of an effort to be gentle with myself. In my younger days, I never missed a day of work no matter how much pain I was in with my chronic back problems. I was there for every single thing my kids did and didn't date for over three years while they were growing up. I pushed myself beyond my limits for many years. It did very little to make me feel good about myself although were rewards like scholarships and the most prestigious award in my graduating class. Instead, it wore me down until I reached a limit in my pain tolerance - and went over the edge for a while. Now I stand up for myself even if it means losing friends. I call in sick and go home early when I need to. I'm gentle with my body and don't beat myself up for my mistakes. Instead, I give these flaws to the Goddess and ask her to help me change them. The Buddhist chant "Om mani padme hum" is helping. I chant out loud when I'm walking my dog in secluded areas and silently anywhere that's not possible. I begin chanting as soon as I recognize issues that need to be addressed and whenever I feel off balance. I immediately feel centered and calm. Things change and then I do get to feel good about myself.

I'm still looking for that balance and ways to stop my subconscious mind from seeing the work involved in achieving my dreams as the bogeyman and allowing him to scare me off. I realize that I probably want to do too much. My ideal life would allow me the time to write, sculpt, make jewelry and teach dance and yoga. It's difficult to pick just one to focus on. I love it all. Thus far, none of it has brought in an income and I have to have a job. I do meaningful work and I'm grateful for that, but even it doesn't pay the bills. Sometimes it just doesn't seem that I can "have it all" but I'm not going to give up. I believe that when we focus on what we want, it does come to pass. I'm doing better with letting go of the how and the when.

I think I'm going to try scheduling an unplugged day every other weekend and see how that works. I hope that the author and I have inspired you to consider some unplugged time for yourself.

Be well and be blessed,

Recently updated articles:
Celebrity Deaths and the Media
Reactive Attachment Disorder In Adults
Making Wire Sculpted Jewelry

Pre-Order Therese J. Borchard's Book - Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression & Anxiety and Making the Most of Bad Genes

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Breaking Bad Emotional Habits

This is a lazy post. I didn't write it but it comes from Vibration Magazine, which I've subscribed to for about three years now. Vibration is one of the best resources I've found for information on the healing properties of flower essences. If you're not a subscriber, you're missing out. It's completely free.

Bad Emotional Habits and How To Break Them

by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Editors’ note: The following is adapted, with her permission, from Donna’s The Moon in Your Life, published by RedWheel/Weiser and now out of print. Used copies can still be obtained through

Some folks aren’t happy unless they’re sad. Others need anger to keep them pumped up. For some people, dwelling on self‑pity or victimization become well‑worn grooves that occupy an emptiness they would not otherwise know how to fill. Here I’m talking about the feeling tone that typifies each of us. “Delores is always depressed. What a sad sack!” “Bob would rather bite your head off than say hello. He’s always in a foul mood.”

Although a broad range of emotions is possible, most of us experience and express a very narrow range. Many negative emotions that torment us persistently are bad habits we learned very early. We are no longer conscious of why they arose, so these tapes switch on automatically in stressful situations. In a crisis, we play the same tapes, only louder. Your own habits may not be so extreme, but most of us have a small repertoire of feelings that get triggered repeatedly. Here are some techniques that can help you stop falling into negative patterns, along with flower essences to help shed these habits. Read the Full Article

Enjoy, and don't forget to take a few minutes to enjoy this beautiful full moon.

Be well and be blessed,

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow

Well, this blog isn't going to go anywhere with no posts for over three months, is it? I'm still working on which direction it should take. I'm thinking of a weekly tarot reading with some of my other reflections mixed in as time permits. The dream interpretation book is nearly finished and since I've been stolen from more than once on the internet, I'd prefer to shelve that topic until I submit the manuscript. Now, on to the updates and deep thoughts.....and I may be speaking to no one but myself here but that's okay.....

Today I'm in absolute awe. The Universe is a little slow sometimes - and I do take responsibility for my part in its dragging its heels - but it seems that things are finally happening. After years of writing with no hope of making a living at it materializing, I accepted some time ago that if I couldn't get paid for my writing, I needed to write anyway - for myself, for others to enjoy, to contribute to the world and to help people. The feedback I've received indicates that I am achieving those things.

Yet the Universe does work in mysterious ways. I wanted to do something nice for a very dear friend that I met in the course of my work. Upon my suggestion that the local newspaper do a story on this woman who has contributed so much to the community and may not be among us for much longer, I was invited to write the article myself. It was published today, and the paper has offered me a paid assignment. I am beyond thrilled and excited.

My life has been a strange journey. I didn't get a chance to go to college until I was in my thirties, and at the time I thought that social work was right up my alley. Even though I achieved my 4.0 GPA almost entirely on my writing ability (I'm a lousy test taker but I can dance around any topic in an essay and get you to believe me), it never occurred to me that I could have chosen writing as a career. Well, there were lots of careers that didn't occur to me coming from the lower working class. Going to work as a secretary in an office was a few steps higher than any of my family had achieved.

I recently realized just what my problem has been these past few years. So many things that I never dreamed of doing opened up, and I developed more interests and areas of expertise than I could deal with. I want so much to do it all but it really is impossible, even if I could stay at home and work at writing, designing jewelry, teaching bellydance and yoga, sculpting and giving spiritual counseling by way of tarot and dream interpretation. I always wanted to be like the aunts in Practical Magic, living in a big house on the water and being a wise old witch with the money coming apparently from magic because they certainly don't have jobs. And I need to have a job as well, because without one I don't interact with people and the isolation isn't good. And I love my little work family. Again, the Universe brought me into the fold of an amazing group of people that I can truly and genuinely love.

My health issues, especially the fatigue from fibromyalgia and the new stomach issues, suggest that I have a job where I can get up and work for a while, take a nap, go back to work, take a nap, work some more..... But the rest of society doesn't work that way and can't accommodate me. Yet the Universe seems to be hearing me and things are getting closer to that situation.

So, today I am very, very grateful and in awe of life and the beautiful, golden moon that shines tonight. "Hail to thee, O Jewel of the Night." And Hail to all of the amazing human beings who have not only put up with me, but have helped me along with way. My heart wants so much to pay you back and my goal is to pay it forward.

Be well and be blessed,
